One of the greatest waterman to ever grace the bay with his presence. Great Grandaddy Henry OwensFor the record the pictures on today's post have absolutely NOTHING to do with my post and everything to do with
HERS. I do things like this cause I love her.
This is the way the bay used to look when you were going out in the morning, see all the boats? Sadly if you are out there today you are probably not going to see anyone until you come back to the dock.
Ok there is nothing really FUN about my Facts other than they are FACTS and it is FRIDAY so thereby making them FUN by association alone.

These are shots of the Ellen before she had the house built on her and yes those men have on suits and hats it is Christmas after all.
There are also rules to my FUN FACTS, who has fun fact rules you ask, the answer would be me. The rules are for each FUN FACT I will also ask a question and you are supposed to leave a comment and answer said question (I like comments... I don't care if you don't answer it truthfully just answer and let me know you are around... as an ex's voicemail once said "If you took the time to call take the time to leave a message"... he didn't like those hang ups on his answering machine it annoyed him ...guess what I did for 6 months after we split up.) Oh sorry the squirrel got me again now where was I? Oh yes.. facts.
The Ellen Marie all dolled up and at Owens and Sons dock Davis Creek, Bavon VA (did you think that is was just by chance I happen to live on Davis Creek in Bavon VA??)1. I have a favorite song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls it will remain my favorite song until the day I die there will be no other song that can take it's place. ever. I also can't listen to this song without crying or listening to it twice so that I smile the second time and that is always the way it works cry the first time smile the second. If it comes on the radio I have to change the station quickly because I know they aren't going to play it back to back and I will cry for hours.
What is your favorite song or what would you consider to be your "theme" song?
Great Uncles and Great Grandfather and Jelly on the Thomas E. Jelly had hands the size of dinner plates, no kidding. 2. 99% of the furnishings in my home are either A. Hand me Down B. Borrowed C. Heirlooms D. Just flat out stolen from the sister person. I like it this way, it means that just about everything in my home has meaning and a story and some kind of depth to it. These are the things that I like to have around me all the time it is kind of like having people around that don't talk back!
Look around you, is what you see new, was it always yours or once belong to your great great uncle, or is all sparkly new straight from Ikea?
You are probably thinking wait these are people not boats. Yes of course they are people but people who the boats were named after :)
The real Thomas E was my uncle Everette there on the left.
The real Ellen Marie was my grandmother in the white sitting beside Great Grandaddy Henry Owens.
On the right is Uncle Taylor oddly no boat had his name.
3. I live in Bavon, which is also known as the end of the friggin earth. I decided to live here for a reason, I liked it, I liked the quiet, that lasted all of 3 days. I miss the city, I miss having a mall on the way home from work, I miss having a Starbucks on every corner. I miss my state of the art gym with the indoor pool and the rock climbing wall, I even miss the traffic. I will probably end up back in the city some day, but for today it is beaches and quiet nights.
Where do you live and is it where you want to be forever?
Thats a lot of fish! Far right my grandfather Lemual "Snooks" Burroughs
4. Today is Friday and I am happy it is Friday for no other reason than it is Friday plain and simple. No big plans tonight just Friday. I do have some plans tomorrow Watergirl turns 16 on Monday and she requested Mexican dinner and a movie for her birthday plans so she and some of her friends will be going out to eat and a movie on Saturday on me. I didn't think that was bad for a 16th birthday much cheaper than those Sweet 16 shows she has been watching on MTV. Oh wait I forgot to mention the car she asked for. Yea that.. she is getting a car.. sigh. This leads to 2 questions.
What did you get or do for your 16th birthday?
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
One of my favorite pictures of all time. Pop doing what he did. Thanks for playing along and again if you took the time read take the time to comment.. I like comments HAPPY FRIDAY!
Just another day on the bay.