So here I am again, asking your forgiveness for a too long break, for not being able to oversee... wait a damn minute this is my damn blog .. if you don't like the fact I took another long break click the X!
So right around the time that the conversation surrounding my blog was going on something happened.. I got an email from CBW who I have a bizarre connection with that none of the adults in our lives (I say adults because they were adults when we were born) will neither confirm nor deny is biological. I always find emails from her an extra special treat but in this one she actually asked me to work. (Like I really need something else to do besides wallow in my own stinky self pity).
The email started like this..
Hey stupid get out of that pool of pity and do something for me... Ok Ok no it really didn't but it probably should have.
The email actually said..
"Hey help me out here will ya?" in so many words :)
So I scanned down the email which was from a lovely yet slightly confused gentleman in Seattle named Mark. It was a long email and I was in the middle of wallowing so I just skimmed it at first I picked out words like Mathews, brothers, Hudgins, photo, lighthouse, trash, Guniea, and fish. I figured by those that some how this dude was connected to Mathews in some way and had a photo of Hudgins brothers that he took on top of the lighthouse as they were collecting trash that the fish from Guinea left there.
What?? I said I was busy when I was reading it. I figured I would take a glance at the photo and then archive it for when my Daddy was close by (that is CBWs boyfriend by the way) and ask who the dudes were. I scrolled down the email and glanced at the thumbnail and my heart skipped a beat.. then another.. and as I opened the photo to full size I let out an audible *GASP*. This wasn't any old ordinary set of "Hudgins" brothers I was looking at!
I immediately let my fingers fly over the keyboard with a reply back to CBW which in turned stopped her heart for a beat or two or 50 cause it took me that long to actually call her after getting the email that said..
Yes that is exactly what the email said.. to the letter and looking back on it, it does read more like I am going to choke her out of anger than it was simply shock but shock it was. So I finally call the poor trembling CBW and screamed into the phone IS THIS A JOKE??? I think she squeaked I am not all together sure at that point cause I just kept rambling on.
Below is the photo that was attached to that email and I won't go into the rest of the conversation with CBW because it was slightly uneventful after that build up (it was filled with lots of NOO! NOOO! REALLY?? NO!!! WOW's) but let me just end by saying that she hung up with relief and her heart beating again.

I am going to include most of my email back to Seattle Mark so you have full understand of why the shock and why I called him a little confused and why I keep referring to the men as "Hudgins" in quotes like that is a bad thing (it isn't.. he was just wrong).
Anyway Janice looking for a little help forwarded me the photo of the "Hudgins" brothers for help in identity.
First let me say.. Last name isn't Hudgins.. it was Burroughs and while my name is now Ann Marie Haywood it WAS Ann Marie Burroughs.
That photo was taken on Davis Creek in Bavon (or Motorun depending how old the map is) at Morris Snows Dock (his boat was the Linda Carol) the boat in the photo is more than likely the Virginia considering the amount of junk in her. The house in the background now belongs too Bill Battle and he has bees.. lots of bees.. he is the local honey man.
The very handsome gentleman to your right there.. I called Pop until the day he died on July 5th 2005, my daddy called him Daddy, his given name was Lemual Winn Burroughs (which was recycled by my great grandparents as they had another son who died at a young age with the same name) but everyone called him Snooks.
The other handsome friendly looking fella is my Uncle Bill, he was Pop's brother and technically my great uncle but calling someone Great Uncle around these parts just is not done. So he was uncle Bill. I still have the silver quarters he and another brother (Bubba Duck don't ask... I couldn't tell ya) gave me as a child on that very dock. When I would go down to help sort the fish pay was a drink from the drink machine.. the old kind where you pulled the bottle straight out and it had the bottle top opener on it, you were given 2 quarters one silver one regular one for the machine one to take home. Good thing they had the key to that little box cause more than once a mix up happened.
So there ya have it.. Burroughs Brothers not Hudgins and they were pound net fisherman.. along with my Great Granfather Henry Owens (not Pops daddy.. my grandmothers)
They ran Burroughs Brothers Seafood.
And now you all know why I cussed and scared poor CBW to with in an inch of her life and that I ramble on in email as badly as I do my blog and that yesterday while getting a shock I got a very special secret treasure!!!!
Happy Friday!!
What a coincidence! I am glad that young lady got you posting...this is a nice story to start the day.
Love that dock, love me some snooks!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know there are no coincidences .. seriously .. and this happened to snap you outta your funk and give you a blog post that is positive and made you (and CBW) smile, laugh, connect and spend time remembering better times ... thanks for sharing it, I love stuff like this .. and thats no coincidence either.
ReplyDeleteI swear, weird things happen between us. Mark from Seattle sent me that email a week ago, talking about these Hudgins brothers. Then he asked me about them again yesterday, so as usual when I need instant information I e-mailed Ann Marie, which is the same things as asking Wikipedia, only faster and more accurate. (I should start calling her wikimathews or something.) Anyway, when she sent the response back asking if I was f'ing kidding, I thought for sure I'd done something wrong or that I surely should know who these infamous Hudgins brothers were.
ReplyDeleteWhen she told me they were her kinfolk you could have knocked me over with a feather.
What are the chances that a man in Seattle would send me a random photo he found, and the very first person I turn to to verify who it not only knows who it is but is RELATED to them?
Similar stuff like this happened before with the boat the Ellen Marie. Weird, weird stuff.
I call AM's father my boyfriend because if I were his age he would be if I had anything to do with it. It's one good looking family, that's all I got to say.
That's such a nice surprise! When I'm doing family tree work, I love finding old pictures of family, it's the best feeling. Have a happy weekend! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove the picture!! Could almost smell the salt air! That is a great picture of the two of them!
ReplyDeleteTHAT is so cool!
ReplyDeleteI love this!!