Thanks to one of you! I am not sure what was going on but Binky Too came running up to me bit my ankle and drug me to the lap top, then I noticed that some one HAD her drag me here!
Ok we are doing good. I have just be very very busy! Work has been chaotic and on top of that my lap top (work) fried so I was without for almost a week.
I have painted my bedroom and purchased the most glorious new bed, the husband isn't liking it all that much. Says he was used to the lumps and bumps and spring sticking out of the old one. That is what did it for me when the spring sprung I felt like I was living in a cartoon! So I found a WONDERFUL buy this weekend saved myself a grand! So because I save the grand I spent a quarter of it on 100% Egyptian cotton sheets and 4 new king size pillows that are fluffy little bits of heaven!
Binky Too is doing wonderful.. other than she is not potty training as well as I had hoped. I have yet to figure this all out.
Anyway big smoochies to all of you.. even the one who had my ankles chomped!