Welcome to our first Mathews Monday post.
While I am sure the idea is not even close to original I was happy that it popped into my head Saturday as I wandered around the Mathews Farmers Market taking in the sounds and sights and sometimes smells (no live stock just perfect daffy-dils from
CBW and some baked goods from a lady who I walked by so fast all I caught was a wiff of heavenly goodness and gained 3 pounds just that quick.. next time baked goods lady I will stop.. just please don't sell me anything) Even though there is a plethora of local characters to meet at the Farmers Market there are plenty of others just around town that I want to introduce the blogsphere to. Friendly local florist, retired military men, actors who had the pleasure of cutting a rug with Sandra Bullock! Our town is full of stories from the past, present, and many more to come in the future.

So lets move on to our first character,
who is from Mathews and was a participant in the Mathews Farmers Market this past Saturday and let me tell you not only is he cute he is friendly as well! While the sky was overcast that day and didn't help in the way of perfect shots
Mr Buz of Bloody's by Buz was just a ray of sunshine in the middle of a foggy Saturday morning. CBW pointed me his way with the alluring words of "Best Bloody Mary Mix.. EVER."
I will admit my initial response was.. PFFFFTTTT not possible because *I* make the best Bloody Mary's EVER. However, after just a couple of minutes of speaking to
Buz he made it completely clear to me that he had no intention of replacing my homemade recipe because no one could ever replace a homemade Bloody Mary, and that he was simply looking for a better mix, one that was easily accessible for those mornings when you just don't have it in ya to figure out what you should put in the darn glass. (ok that last part was what I came up with)
Buz handed me a little taste of what appeared to be a nice mixture of ingredients for a Bloody Mary, it wasn't to red, it wasn't to transparent (yes I have seen them that way.. my advice step away from the bottle), it seemed to have just the right amount of spices to make it a beautiful sight in my glass (I like my Mary's to have a bit of texture). Next like
any great connoisseur I swirled the nice little glass and sniffed the redneck that I am, I down the cute little cup and let me be the first to tell you.. WOW! That stuff was knock your socks off, or flip flops if that is the case, GOOD! I think before I even set my little cup down I was pulling what little bit of cash I had in my pocket out and saying I want this much.. however much this much will buy I want it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you like Bloody Mary's, as an afternoon pick me up, or during a leisurely Sunday brunch with friends, go visit
Buz at http://www.bloodysbybuz.com/ or if you are lucky enough to happen to be in Mathews
between 9 and 1 on Saturday April 17th swing on by the Farmers Market he just may be there to knock your socks off as well.There are a couple of little side notes to this first Mathews Monday that I would like to point out.
1. I was in no way prepared on Saturday while speaking with Buz to actually "report" on this on Monday. I had no note pad and only my camera in tow which should have been enough, however, the heavenly goodness of Bloody's by Buz made me forget who I was much less what the heck I was doing and I didn't take near as many pictures as I should have or obtained important information.. I will try to grow as this little project grows and if I ever happen upon Buz again.. I will be doing a bit more detailed post.
2. Sunday afternoons after a 5 mile bike ride and a 4 mile walk is the PERFECT time to partake in a nice tall cool Bloody Mary while reading a really good book and relaxing, I can't tell you how nice it was not to have to put away the 50 ingredients I put in my Bloody Mary's!
3. I will try to get better at this.. I promise.
And to Mr. Buz... I thank you kind sir... I thank you.